Ofcourse, there are opinions and views for any kind of controversy topics. Therefore, I could not find an accurate number of people who agree or not, but according to the Fukushima city official Hiroaki Kuwajima, “We are still in the process of recovery from the disaster, and it would be a dream to have world-class athletes play here,”
We can see that there are people who are looking forward.
Fukushima, site of nuclear disaster, wants to host 2020 Olympic baseball. (2015, March 3). Retrieved June 30, 2016, from http://olympics.nbcsports.com/2015/03/03/fukushima-olympics-baseball-2020-tokyo-softball/
I think this is a very difficult question. This is because disasters of Fukusima and Kumamoto has not over yet. For example, I heard that many people in Kumamoto are busy applying for temporary housing recently. Also, the conditions of Fukushima nuclear power plant aren't good. Therefore, as a matter of fact, some people disagree with hosting the Olympics by put these serious problems aside.