
Q5. Whether the Tokyo Olympic has the big influence on English ability of Japanese or not

The simple answer  is : The Tokyo Olympic have the big influence on improving the English ability of Japanese.

Actually, according to the Natural Institution for Youth Education, about 70% of Japanese high school students sometimes think that "I am useless." On the other hand, only about 30% of them answered that the future of Japan will be hopeful." That is, most of the youths do not have the confidence and are pessimistic about the future of their own country.

The people who are required by the society will be those who have the understanding of  diversity, the high linguistic ability and the high communication ability. However, as I said in this blog above, the university students are passive, but the percentage of the students who want to study abroad if they have the change is about 70%, which is not so low.

So, through the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, young people will be able to estabilish the foundation as the talent to carry the international society in the future and our country and to have the consciousness to carry the Olympics and Paralympics itself. Also, the project which relates with between the Tokyo Olympics and the university will be held. Furthermore, through the Olympics we can have the identity of Japanese and the rich international sense, which are very important for youths to be active in both Japan and the foreign countries.

Also, the English speaking ability of Japanese is one of the problems in language education and situation. So, as the Tokyo Olympic in 2020 will be close, the government is pushing to improve the English ability of Japanese to fascinate the visitors to Japan and to encourage the business in Japan.
The execusion plan which takes about three years, including to establish the "English Villages", where the students improve their English communication ability by using the all- English environment for the high school students and the primary school students was showed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and this environment is like living in foreign countries and students can enjoy the communication in cross culture, with learning with the native speakers of English.In addition, the number of the translators who specialize in the medical terms and the interpreters will be increased by the government.

According to the Japanese interpreter and translator, Takayuki Fukumori, he said the follwing things  (Quote from
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-13/tokyo-officials-pushing-to-increase-english-skills-2020-olympics/7412800 , The quote is written in Italic.)
"Even though they study English as a compulsory education for a long time - now nine years since surprisingly we don't speak English - almost zero. English is just for study and to pass the exam and that's how we study and we are not, we haven't been able to adapt English skills in school into real life."
Through this comment, we can see the problem of English educations and we shouold work on the goal to improve the English ability of Japanese by Tokyo Olympic in 2020.

About the two articles, I thought that these are very reliable.
As for the article written by Thuy Ong, this article included the situation of the English Villages and also included the interview of the interpreter and translator about the problem of English Education today, which we can see the problem and the measure of the English education in Japan directly.
In terms of the second article written by Tomohiro Osaki, this article clearly described about the English Villages in Japan and its contents. Before I read this article, I have already read about the improving the English ability of Japanese through the English Villages, but I could not understand what the atmosphere is. However, through this article, I could understand the situation of estabilishing and the content of English Villages well.

I thought that whether the Tokyo Olympic has the big influence on English ability of Japanese or not is very important problem for us who will be active in international world. I thought that the current English education is not bad, but it may lack of the speaking activities, which may lead to the difficulty in communicating in English with foreigners. So I think that the English Village which is founded to improve the students' English ability by Tokyo Olympic in 2020 is very useful and through this program not only the students who like English but also those who dislike the English can learn the English with fun and have the high motivation to communicate with foreigners about the good points of Japan and culture in Japan because in English Villages students can learn not only English itself but also the cross-cultural communication with foreigners and by using some activities.
So that's why I think that the Tokyo Olympic have the big influence on English ability of Japanese.



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