
Our Presentation of the NGO

Hello, we did the presentation of our fictitional NGO, "Flourish Japan through Olympics". and our slogan was: "Flourish Japan through the International Sports Festival!!!!!"
So, I summarized the points of our NGO!

【About the survey we conducted】
As for the detailed results of the survey, please look at the previous post "The result of the survey".
From the survey. we can see that Tokyo Olympics will have advantages for Japan.

In terms of whether respondents agrees with Olympics or not, the point which I thought it is interesting that the voice which are concerning about the economic recession and the hope for the economy recovery were remarkable. So between those who agrees with Olympics and those who disagree with it, there is the difference of the ideas for the same category, which is interesting. In addition, one of the respondents answered that it was difficult to decide exactly whether Tokyo Olympics is good or not, because it depends on the situation, especially in terms of economy.

【About the situations of Tokyo Olympics-From our blog-】
Next, we talked about the situation of Tokyo Olympics from our blog. So if you want to know more about the situations of Tokyo Olympics, please read our blog entries.
Our NGO strongly agrees with Tokyo Olympics so we talked about the good points to host the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.
The good points are following:
  • Recovery from Great East Earthquake in Japan in 2011
  • The economy recovery
  • Flourish Japan through sports same as the Tokyo Olympics in 1964
  • The strong relationship between countries
  • Chance to improve the English ability of Japanese through the facility, "English Villages"
  • Good impression of Japan
【The specific issue the group deals with and our goals we strive to achieve】
The specific issue
we will take actions to help the smooth management of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 as volunteers finally by using the knowledge from the events and meetings.

Our goals
  • To help the Tokyo Olympcis more flourish with the power of the sports and the strong international relationships in 2020
  • To let people around the world understand the advantages for hosting the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 through the meetings
【Our mission statement】
Although it is very long, our mission statement is like this:

Our mission is to discuss with those who agree with hosting the Tokyo Olympics and through the events and the meetings, to persuade those who do not think that Tokyo Olympics in 2020 is not good thing to make Japan flourish, in terms of the economic problems. In addition, we will let people around the world understand the history and the goals of the Olympics. And finally, we will help the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 as volunteers in terms of the management and the preparation of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

【Concrete ways that the NGO tries to achieve its goals.】
In our NGO, we try to give chances to think about the Tokyo Olympics by the following.

Monthly Events
→People who join the events will talk about the good points to host the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 with fun and relaxes. Also we can talk about the Olympics themselves and the previous Olympics in terms of the good points for them, with bringing the copy of the article on the Internet, or the other materials from books or magazines, whatever materials are fine!!

Monthly Meetings
→The special guest from the outside of the NGO who agrees with hosting the Tokyo Olympics will come and give us lectures about the Tokyo Olympics and the previous Olympic Games.

Also, in addition to these, sometimes we will join another outside events which helps to flourish the Tokyo Olympics, including the visit to the disaster-area for the publicity of Olympics. At last, in 2019 and 2020, we plan to help the management of Olympic Games, too.

Through these activities, we can think about the good points from many perspectives, so I think that we can have the strong opinions for agreeing with hosting the Olympics in 2020.

【How it is unique to other groups regarding to Olympics?】

In this NGO, we try to have a lot of opportunity to discuss the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 more than other NGOs, not only the time immediately before the Olympics but also the time when the Tokyo Olympics are drawing near and the members of the discussion is not only with the members of the NGOs but also with those who do not participate in the NGO regularly. However, after the events or the meetings, if participants are interested in the activities of this NGO, they can join us at any time!!!

【Network of our NGO】
We have the network with...
  • Japanese Olympic Committee(JOC)
  • International Olympic Committee(IOC)
  • Japanese Government
→Through this network, we have cooperated with on the activities that help the management of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, especially in terms of the publicity.

【How NGO keeps running】
This NGO keeps running by your participation in the events and the meetings monthly, which you can join us at any time.
Also, we try o gather the funds and sometimes the funds are raised for the support of the construction of the facilities which foreigners can also use conveniently and the management of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
In the stations or the public facilities, there are boxes for fund raising for our NGO, no matter how much do you donate, it will help us and the management of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

【Promotion Video】
After this, we broadcasted the promotion video of the NGO, unfortunately we cannot broadcast in this blog, we tried to persuade you to join us through the images and the sentences for Olympics in1964 and 2020, with the BGM was the theme song of the London Olympics in 2012, which the respondents of the survey thought it was most impressive games.

We recruit new members at any time, each events and the meeting. Through the e-mail or the telephone, you can join us and start the activities for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020!
It is no problem whether there are some events or not.

We are creating the promotion video and it will broadcast through the events, meetings and on TV. Also, we create the web site. Through a lot of media we try to make the media interested in our activities.

【why it would be worthwhile to join us?】
Our NGO group gives those who do not have participate in the conference which are specializing in something but have the motivation to help Japan flourish through the Tokyo Olympic in 2020 and want to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 the chance to think about the Tokyo Olympics through the fun events and the easy meetings. So we can think about the Tokyo Olympics from the first step, by reading the articles about the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 even if the beginners of this kinds of conference can also participate in this NGO easily, that’s why it is interesting for you to join us. Anyone can participate in at any time!!!

That's all for the summary of our Presentation of our NGO.
To sum up, I think that the activities such as meetings or events will be needed because through this events which participants can join easily will give them the chance to think about the Tokyo Olympics more and more. Also, participants can also feel the fulfillment to be able to help the management and flourish of Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
The unique point will be the easiness to participate in the activities of our NGO. Also, you can join us at any time, which is the appeal point of our NGO.
Through the Flourish Japan through Olympics, we can think about the Tokyo Olympics and make Tokyo Olympics more immediate existence for us. Also, we can think that the Tokyo Olympics have advantages with the strong evidences.

So why don't you join us? You will want to watch the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 more and think about the good point for hosting the Tokyo Olympics in terms of the flourish of Japan and the economy etc.

Thank you for your reading!!!

※As I wrote at the top of this entry, this NGO we created is completely "Fictional"  and we do not have the relationships between other groups. And I'm sorry we do not have the plan to hold the events and to recruit new members.

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