Although this question is similar to the previous question(Q8), Japan should try to work on dealing with traffic problems by the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
According to the The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the traffic jams in Tokyo are chronic, even if there are no international festivals in Tokyo because of the low of the percentage of roads in Tokyo, the percentage of the roads in Tokyo is 15%, which is lower than New York with 30% of roads and Paris with 25% of roads. In 1998, only about the half of the roads are maintained, which shows that Tokyo is behind in development of social capital as the city.
Also, about the previous Olympics in 2012 in London, it was estimated that the "perfect traffic storm" will happen in London and about 33% more cars were in the traffic. In addition, according to the report, it is also estimated that the first three days will be chaos the most. However, about the 70% of the roads will not be effected by the Olympics and in the summer the traffic jams are less than winter.
So, through this description, what is the most important things as for the traffic will be: to maintain the roads and train systems.
I trusted these two sources, one is from the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and another is from the newspaper online, Mail Online.
In terms of the former one, I think that this is reliable because there is the situation about the disadvantages of Japanese infrastructures and the solutions to deal with. However, what I thought this is not good to use now is that this site is too old, more than 10 years ago. So, I think that the situation would change somehow, but in order to see the downside of the traffic systems in Tokyo, I thought that this site is very reliable.
As for the latter one, this is the news stories about the previous London Olympics. Although this content is not direct to Tokyo Olympics, the common points will be the concerns about the traffic jams in cities. So I thought that through this estimate, Japan should take actions to deal with heavier traffic jams in 2020.
Actually, what I was surprised was that there were no information about this question, but in terms of the previous Olympics held in overseas, I thought that the traffic troubles regarding to the Olympics will be common in cities where the Olympic Games are held. So, I think that Japan do not have to make traffic system international, extremely to change the direction of the running, but to invite more and more foreigners Japan should take some actions to improve the traffic systems and to prevent the traffic system from having the heavy troubles. However, in some countries the direction of two-way traffic is different, so in order to prevent the foreigners from puzzling, Japan should tell the difference of this traffic customs in Japan and should let foreigners have fun staying in Japan.
- The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 東京の交通渋滞対策に関する提言~活力ある東京の実現に向けて~. (1999, May 13). Retrieved July 13, 2016, from
- (This site is written in Japanese.)
- Massey, R., & Parkinson, R. H. (2012, January 18). A 'perfect traffic storm' will bring Olympic chaos to London as 33% more cars clog roads and motors crawl along at 12mph. Retrieved July 13, 2016, from
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